CJB Responsibilities

The Campus Judicial Board (CJB) has responsibility for hearing and deciding disputed cases of suspected academic misconduct. Student members of the CJB also promote academic integrity through outreach programs designed to educate students and faculty about the UC Davis Code of Academic Conduct.

In addition, CJB members answer questions from students seeking information about UC Davis’s discipline procedures and student rights. CJB members may also serve as advisors for accused students and reporting parties throughout the conduct process, practicing their advising skills. CJB members may also talk with the students about their experiences with community service and/or the disciplinary process.

CJB Student Service on Disciplinary Hearing Panels

By serving on disciplinary hearing panels, students play an important role in upholding campus standards. Student involvement in the disciplinary process is part of student self-governance; student members of the CJB members provide a student voice and represent student interests in the conduct process.

For individual students, such service provides leadership experience and offers real-life opportunities to develop and use their skills in analyzing facts, assessing and weighing credibility, exercising sound judgment, and articulating reasons for their decisions. CJB members must communicate clearly, respectfully, and effectively about complex and sometimes emotional matters. Finally, participating in hearings can enhance the ethical development of panel members themselves as they endeavor to examine, evaluate, and respond to the conduct of their peers.

CJB involvement may also include peer mentoring after a student has engaged in the conduct process. This other portion of the disciplinary process is designed to help students who violate the rules learn from poor decisions, and develop decision-making skills to make responsible, ethical choices.

CJB Outreach Projects

Student members of the CJB promote academic integrity through educational outreach programs. The CJB outreach program includes designing and distributing educational materials; talking to student, faculty, and advisory groups about preventing academic dishonesty and promoting social responsibility; and producing special programs to highlight the importance of ethics and integrity.

Edited 1/23/2025 by MLA