What Happens When I Refer a Student to OSSJA for Academic Misconduct?
Reporting cases to the Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs (OSSJA) ensures consistency and fairness in the process. Maintaining central records also ensures appropriate consequences for repeat offenders. The conduct process emphasizes education, personal growth, ethical decision making, and accountability.
If you have reasonable concern of academic misconduct by a student(s):
- Feel free to contact OSSJA if you want to consult: (530) 752-1128 or ossja@ucdavis.edu.
- Submit a report through ossja.ucdavis.edu.
- OSSJA reviews the report and will contact you if more information is needed.
- If the quarter ends before the conduct process is completed, assign a temporary grade of “Y”.
Meeting(s) with student
OSSJA directs the student to schedule an appointment.
- OSSJA meets with student, explains the report, and allows the student to respond.
- OSSJA follows up with you about the meeting with the student. The student may have admitted to the violation or the student did not admit and provides information that OSSJA would like you to review prior to a second meeting with the student.
Resolution by agreement
Most cases (98%) are resolved through agreement in one of the ways described below:
- Student accepts responsibility. OSSJA informs you and explains appropriate disciplinary sanctions. The student signs a disciplinary agreement and OSSJA provides you with a final copy. If a student does not have a prior disciplinary history, OSSJA generally does not suspend or dismiss the student. Students may be placed on probation and be required to complete educational assignments or attend workshops. If the student has prior violations, then suspension or dismissal is considered.
- Student does not accept responsibility and provides information that satisfies you that the student is not responsible.
- Student does not accept responsibility and you do not want to pursue the matter further, despite some remaining doubts. OSSJA sends the student a non-disciplinary warning or notice.
Formal hearings
If the student does not accept responsibility and you wish to pursue the matter, OSSJA generally charges a formal hearing. About 2% of cases proceed to a formal hearing.
- A formal hearing is not a trial.
- You and the reported student present information to an OSSJA panel composed of two students and one faculty member who are trained to conduct hearings, but have no prior involvement in the case.
- You are not expected to be a prosecutor. You explain the information and reasons why you believe academic misconduct occurred.
- The panel, the reported student, and you may pose questions.
- The panel deliberates in private and decides whether the student violated the Code of Academic Conduct.
- The Director of OSSJA sends a decision letter, assigns disciplinary sanctions if appropriate, and describes any appeal rights.
If a student accepts responsibility or is found in violation, you may penalize the student's course grade as you deem appropriate. If a “Y” grade was assigned, change the student's final grade using the Online Grade Change Tool.
- A student is considered not in violation (innocent) unless the student admits or is found in violation at a formal hearing.
- A student may remain silent and this cannot be used as evidence that the student is in violation (guilty).
- If a student does not participate in the process, OSSJA may place holds, impose unilateral action, or proceed with a formal hearing.
UC Davis, Division of Student Affairs, Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs, October 2020